*ONE Registration Fee Includes the following for the Registered authors:
Once Your paper is accepted the registration process begins. you have to complete the
following four steps.
Step 1 - Registration Fee
It is mandatory for at least one author of an accepted paper to register in order for
the paper to appear in the proceedings and included in the Technical Program. If an
author has got more than one accepted papers, there will be a discount on additional
papers registration.
In case of First paper, FULL FEE will be charged and in case of additional papers 50% of
the total fee per additional paper will be charged (only if the same author is being
registered for all the papers).
Please see the FEE on the main page of the conference.
The regular fee will be charged up to 6 pages and after
that additional USD 20 per additional page will be charged.
Online payment is available at
Use the link-
Step 2 - Copyright Transfer
Authors have to sign (for the individual paper)registration Form, and email that
in PDF/JPG/PNG format.
Step 3 - Camera Ready Paper submission
All paper must adhere to The RF double column guidelines and must be submitted as a
Microsoft Word DOC or DOCX format. So that the necessary fine tuning can be
done. If the author is NOT able to format The RF Provides the formatting
facility without any extra charges.
Step 4 - Registration
ONLY Email the filled registration form (.doc/.docx format) + final
paper/poster/abstract (.doc/.docx format) that you like to publish in the conference
proceedings at email id: sfer.conference@gmail.com
One registration is just to publish a paper and in that ONLY one person can attend the
conference and can get all as mentioned in *ONE Registration Fee above. If coauthor also
likes to register then each coauthor has to pay the USD 200 in order to get registered
and get all things as covered in *ONE Registration Fee above.
If the author has more than one paper in the same conference then the author has
to pay ONLY 50% of the total fee in order to publish the additional paper.
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